
Operation: Blackout (Aug 2024)

Original price was: £350.00.Current price is: £275.00.

16 in stock

SKU: ROB-24-2 Category:

Date: 23rd August 2024
Venue: tbd, Llandovery

This is your chance to have military experience.  Whether you wanted to join and never did or you want to challenge yourself and learn new skills – this is the course for you!

You will not be tested physically or undergo “corrective phys”.  Instead you will be working under the guidance and instruction of veteran elite British Forces soldiers, for two and a half days and will become part of a four man Rogue Operations Team.


Friday – In the evening you will arrive at a classified location in Llandovery, Mid Wales.

On arrival at the FOB you will be introduced to the other members of your team and your instructing DS, before a kit inspection and space allocation.  Once the admin is out of the way it is straight into the mission receiving intelligence and undergoing phase 1 of your Tactical training and weapon handling.

– After an early start you will enter into Phase 2 of your training learning the finer skills to help you succeed on your mission.  Once complete, you will then undertaking briefings, mission planning and execution of your tasking.

Deployed onto the ground, over the next 36hrs you and your team will tactically move onto targets by day and by night to fulfil your taskings – all the time being tracked and hunted by enemy forces.


Sunday – Will see the completion of all taskings which will culminate into a final mission .  In an adrenaline filled few hours you will have to think fast as a team and complete one final task to successfully achieve your mission. Tactical Insertions by vehicle and by foot, you will execute your mission and exfil back to the FOB – providing you are not caught by the Hunter Force!


We have DS with distinguished military experience from the elite tiers of the British Forces.  We are confident that this course is the most realistic military mission experience available in the UK today!!